When an out-of-scale glass tower in one of New York City's most popular neighborhoods opens , does it make a sound?
When an out-of-scale glass tower in one of New York City's most popular neighborhoods opens , does it make a sound?
Here are some upcoming events of note for those in and around NYC. MOVING TOWARD UTOPIA: What King of City Lies Ahead ? PANELISTS INCLUDE: ...
A couple recent bridge designs make me wonder about the symbiosis of structure and decoration in designing for long spans. Engineering expre...
Herzog & De Meuron TEA , originally uploaded by Héctor Guerra (Pritzker prize to SANAA!!!! ;))))) . TEA Tenerife Espacio de las A...
My weekly page update: This week's dose features One Shelley Street in Sydney, Australia by Clive Wilkinson Architects: The featured...
Here are some photos of the Manhufe Parking Lot in Matosinhos, Portugal by Guilherme Machado Vaz , 2009. ( Previously .) Photographs are by ...
...until the unveiling of some wild and wacky architecture at Expo 2010 Shanghai . The theme of "'Better City, Better Life,' re...
Here are some photos of the Mesa Del Sol Town Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico by Antoine Predock Architect , 2008. Photos are by jarrod_ar...
A week from today I will be participating in a round table discussion timed to the launch of Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge ....