Storefront Newsprints: 1982-2009 by Storefront for Art and Architecture Storefront Books, 2009 2-volume paperback with slip case, 1,000 pag...
Storefront Newsprints: 1982-2009 by Storefront for Art and Architecture Storefront Books, 2009 2-volume paperback with slip case, 1,000 pag...
Extracts of local distance is a project by Benjamin Maus, Frederic Gmeiner and Thorsten Posselt. "Countless fragments of existing arch...
It's virtually impossible to write about The Pritzker Architecture Prize without discussing what other people are saying about the newe...
My weekly page update: This week's dose features Kirkwood Public Library in Wilmington, Delaware by ikon.5 architects: The featured ...
London Olympics 2012 , originally uploaded by Manuel.A.69 . The View Tube for the London Olympics 2012 in London, England, 2009. Ple...
On Monday the first section of Brooklyn Bridge Park , Pier 1, opened to the public, and on Wednesday the exhibition Rising Currents: Project...
casa em santa teresa, arq. angelo bucci, rio de janeiro, 2008 , originally uploaded by m correia campos . Casa em Santa Teresa in Rio...
Formique is an ongoing series that comments on contemporary architecture that ignores some of the basic human, environmental and other co...
Jean Nouvel is the architect of the moment, with news on three major projects blanketing the digital airwaves: the Serpentine Gallery Pavili...
My weekly page update: This week's dose features Million Donkey Hotel in Prata Sannita, Italy by feld72: The featured past dose is ...
Manhattan is full of hidden gems, spaces tucked into the blocks formed by the island's famous grid. A religious space that comes to mind...
München Hauptsynagoge " Ohel Jakob" ( Zelt Jakobs) , originally uploaded by Wolfsraum . Jewish Center Jakobsplatz in Munich...
Today I received in the mail the March 2010 issue of Plan Magazine -- the one out of Ireland, not Italy. The cover story asks, "Could ...
ASU Mesa Upper Floor Split View Down , originally uploaded by ken mccown . ASU Polytechnic Academic Buildings by Lake|Flato Architec...
Here's a project I found on Architizer that makes me wonder about web sites where users can input whatever they want. [ '66 Ford Mu...
The last half of 2008 saw the unveiling of two superstar condo developments for Manhattan: 56 Leonard Street by Herzog & de Meuron and ...